Michael Dee
Organic Gardener
Michael has been an organic gardener since the 1970s, when he subscribed to Rodale Press’ Organic Gardening magazine. He is a strong proponent of eradicating invasive plants and landscaping with natives – principles he demonstrates on his own properties in Harding Township, NJ, and Stockbridge, MA.
Michael has been an organic gardener since the 1970s, when he subscribed to Rodale Press’ Organic Gardening magazine. He is a strong proponent of eradicating invasive plants and landscaping with natives – principles he demonstrates on his own properties in Harding Township, NJ, and Stockbridge, MA. Michael and his wife Marilyn, enjoy playtime with two daughters and two grandchildren, as well as gardening and hiking. Michael is also an avid adult hockey player.
Since the 1990s, Michael has served on the Board of Trustees of the Great Swamp Watershed Association, NJ, in a variety of roles including Board Chair and Vice Chair. Michael is a long-time Board member and Executive Vice President of Smarties Candy Company, a family business. He is also a current Board member of another family business, Edward & Sons Trading, a natural food business.
Michael cut his activist teeth and breathed his share of tear gas in peace marches and Black rights protests in the ‘60s and ‘70s, and earned his Bachelor of Arts from Yale College. Later in life he earned a Master of Letters and Doctor of Letters from Drew University. Michael and Marilyn have followed a plant-based diet since 2011, and support a wide variety of environmental, animal rights and other non-profit organizations, from Trustees of Reservations, MA. to Mercy for Animals.
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